Learn about this Red Clover Blossom Vinegar Recipe and how you can use this free wild food to create a nutritious, delicious vinegar.
Red Clover Blossom Vinegar Recipe
I’ve heard that vinegar can be made by pouring 1 1/2
gallons of boiling water over one gallon of tightly packed
red clover blooms. Let the mixture stand overnight and
strain out the blossoms. Add one pound of brown sugar and
water and add that also. Place the mixture in a stone crock
and let it stand in a warm room until it sours. This takes
awhile as the sugar must turn to alcohol and the alcohol to
acetic acid. One thing that might speed the process is a
very large stone crock that exposes more of the solution to
the air.
Read more about finding wild edible foods: Foraging for Wild Edible Food.