My Award-Winning Cornbread Recipe

Reader Contribution by Carole Coates
Published on November 9, 2017
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When I was a nine-year-old newly minted 4-H Club member, one of my first activities was to enter the county corn muffin contest. Placing first in that contest was a sure way to cement my relationship with 4-H. It also cemented my relationship with cornbread. I’ve made this recipe hundreds of times since then, and it always gets rave reviews.

These days, we grow and grind our own corn.

We use this relatively inexpensive grinder for our corn.

For cornbread, we grow Painted Mountain corn. It’s cold hardy, drought tolerant, and performs well in our short growing season. All of these reasons are important for our unpredictable weather and erratic seasons. But that’s not why we chose this corn. We selected it for its sheer beauty. Its ears sport the most brilliant colors you’ve ever seen in corn, so if you have extra (extra?), Painted Mountain corn can become a gorgeous element in your fall decorating.   

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