Juniper Bitters

Reader Contribution by Tammy Kimbler
Published on February 17, 2020
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If you’ve looked in the liquor accessories aisle lately, bitters have exploded.  There are lots of classics, like Angostura, Fernet-Branca or Peychauds, and a plethora of new and exciting varieties, like Xocolatl Mole from Bittermans, Cherry Bark Vanilla from Bittercube, and Moroccan from Bitter End Bitters.  Many are handmade, small batch bitters from folks with their eye on the perfect cocktail. And lucky for me, bitters are super easy to make at home.  

My bitters inspiration came from a little winter foraging and my garden. Juniper is a classic flavor base for bitters (and gin), which I combined with dried rosemary and thyme from my summer garden (you can also use fresh), and black peppercorns and vodka.  The idea is to make a super intense infusion that heightens the profile of your cocktail.

When it comes to foraging for juniper berries, look no farther than your neighborhood park or your yard juniper shrubs. I myself found my stash just down a city path along our local lake. If you can’t find juniper berries to forage, they are easily ordered online.

Juniper berries are loaded with two compounds called α-pinene and β-pinene, which are also found in pine resin, sage, eucalyptus and certain types of citrus, which is why they go so well in cocktails.

Juniper Bitters Recipe

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