Better Than Spinach: Foraging for Lamb’s Quarters

Reader Contribution by Leda Meredith
Published on June 18, 2020
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What is it about this “wild spinach” (Chenopodium album) that makes it better than its cultivated cousin? For starters, it’s free.

Well, it is if you forage it. I recently saw lamb’s quarters (Chenopodium album) for sale under the name wild spinach for a whopping $7.59 per pound. Whoa, mama! I’m pretty sure the farm hadn’t actually planted this choice wild edible, but was just making the most of their weeding. More power to them, but I’m glad I forage my lamb’s quarters for free.

Popeye might have chosen lamb’s quarters over spinach if he’d known what a nutritional superstar it is. Just one cup of the chopped leaves gives you 464 mgs of calcium (compared to 30 in spinach), and 66 mgs of vitamin C (8.4 mg in spinach).

By late spring and early summer, dandelion, dock, and many other wild edible greens have become too bitter to eat. Not lamb’s quarters. It keeps its delicious mild flavor and silky texture (when cooked) straight through the summer.

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