Duck Egg Braid Bread

Reader Contribution by Corinne Gompf and Heritage Harvest Farm
Published on November 2, 2018
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So, I have this duck. Long story short, last August I sent my husband down to the neighbors’ house to deliver some homemade bagels, fresh from the oven. The next thing I knew, they rode up here to return the favor by giving Fletcher and Emery two Pekin ducklings to raise. Now, this usually gets a chuckle when I tell this story, but doesn’t everyone trade bagels for ducklings?

As they grew, we discovered that we had one duck and one drake, and they were inseparable. They waddled their way all over the property, but their favorite spot was always on the front porch. There, they patiently waited for us to feed the cats, so they could chase the cats away and devour all the food in the bowls (they’re kinda bossy like that).  

Sadly, one morning we discovered a spot by the pine tree covered in white feathers, and the drake was missing. The duck was huddled by the barn door, waiting for us. And I swear to you, she went through a mourning period, searching for her brother for a few days until she seemed to acknowledge that he was gone for good.

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