Autumn Stuffed Acorn Squash Recipe

Reader Contribution by Amanda Nicklaus
Published on December 3, 2020
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Photo by Amanda Nicklaus 

Butternut squash is a favorite food as the weather turns cold and our bodies crave earthy vegetables. And while I love a butternut squash bisque as much as the next person, this type of squash often steals the spotlight from lesser known winter squashes that are equally as flavorful. While names such as “Delicata,” “Hubbard,” and even Spaghetti squashes might ring a bell, the squash that I feel deserves a bit more recognition is the commonly available but somehow still overlooked acorn squash.

Growing up in rural Minnesota, my parents tended a massive garden. Actually, there were a few garden plots, and one was dedicated solely to squash. Each year, my father planted a few butternuts, a few buttercups, and a whole mess of acorn squashes. It was always a treat to help him twist the ridged green fruits off the vine and watch my mother cut them in half, scoop out the seeds, and roast them in the oven for what seemed like an eternity. And while there was a delicious outcome every time she religiously buttered and drizzled the golden delicacies with maple syrup and brown sugar, I have found myself to be a little more experimental, stuffing the insides with a few other autumn treats.

Acorn squashes have a dark green rind that is often blotched with orange. One end comes to a point, giving it its iconic acorn shape. The golden meat inside is sweet and slightly nutty, pairing well with spices and herbs of the season. The best way to learn about food is to experiment with it, so feel free to substitute the ingredients in this recipe for your own favorite autumn goodies, like wild rice or chestnuts or pears. Use the ingredients as a way to tune in to the earth and her seasons!

Autumn Stuffed Acorn Squash Recipe

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