Alfalfa and Clover Salad Recipe

By James E. Churchill
Published on May 1, 1971
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Photo by Fotolia/kazakovmaksim
This Alfalfa and Clover Salad Recipe is made using edible food from the wild.

Learn about this Alfalfa and Clover Salad Recipe and how you can use this free wild food in a nutritious, delicious recipe.

Alfalfa and Clover Salad Recipe

Alfalfa flour can be sprinkled into soup or it can be eaten raw. Many purists nibble the plant from hand right out in the fields or after dipping it in salt water. Alfalfa also combines well with other greens and it can be used with clover to make a very appetizing salad.

Pick and chop one cup of alfalfa and one cup white or fed clover. Find some sorrel or grape leaves if you can and chop and toss in enough of either or both to give the salad a tang. Now toss and add — a teaspoonful at a time — bacon grease or other dressing to give your salad the flavor you like.

Read more about finding wild edible foods: Foraging for Wild Edible Food.

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