A Solar Hot Water Heater Can Save Money on Energy Bills

By Bob Ramlow
Published on February 1, 2007
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With proper design and careful installation, a solar water-heating system can provide a large percentage of a home’s hot water for many years with little maintenance.

Yes, a solar hot-water heater can save money. Enjoy this guilt-free, low-carbon way to deliver hot water throughout your home.

How would you like to have free hot water for the next 40 years? That should sound pretty good — about 15 percent to 20 percent of a typical household’s energy outlay goes to make sure the “H” tap means what it says. If energy prices increase by 6 percent annually, the average family would save thousands of dollars over the coming decades by installing a solar hot water heater that supplies just 65 percent of their hot water.

I mean “free” literally. Yes, you’ll spend money up front to install the heating system, but your home equity will increase instantly, often enough to offset the cost of installation. You’ll also pay reduced utility bills — saving more money every time rates rise. Within a few years, you’ll recover the initial expense. Experts agree, a solar hot water heater is far and away the easiest initial investment in renewable energy. Perhaps best of all, you’ll enjoy hot baths or showers with the satisfaction of knowing the energy comes directly from the sun.

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