Can you have chickens in city limits? Learn tips on poultry ordinances, homemade chicken coops, feed storage, and more!
In this episode of Mother Earth News and Friends, Marissa Ames, editorial director for Ogden Publications, shares her experience with raising poultry in all sorts of environments – and how you, too, can find a way to keep some feathered friends of your own even within city limits.
Marissa Ames is editorial director for Ogden Publications and manages MOTHER EARTH NEWS, Grit, Countryside, Goat Journal, Backyard Beekeeping, and Backyard Poultry magazines. Marissa runs a small homestead in Fallon, Nevada, where she focuses on saving and propagating rare breeds of goats and garden vegetables. She and her husband, Russ, travel to Africa where they serve as agricultural advisors for the nonprofit I Am Zambia. She spends her free time eating lunch.
Additional Resources:
Connect with Marissa @AmesFamilyFarm on Facebook and Instagram
Learn more about chickens on our sister publications:
Backyard Poultry
Check out our upcoming MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIRS
Explore our Self-Sufficiency Saturdays, available in-person in Lawrence, Kansas, and soon to be online!
Our Podcast Team:
Carla Tilghman and Jessica Mitchell
Music: “The Beauty of Authenticity” by One Man Book
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The Mother Earth News and Friends Podcasts are a production of Ogden Publications.
Ogden Publications strives to inspire “can-do communities,” which may have different locations, backgrounds, beliefs, and ideals. The viewpoints and lifestyles expressed within Ogden Publications articles are not necessarily shared by the editorial staff or policies but represent the authors’ unique experiences.