Clearing Land With a Scythe Weed Cutter

By Tim Hensley
Published on February 1, 1996
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The old rule was: One man could cut one acre a day.
The old rule was: One man could cut one acre a day.
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A scythe is an economical tool that's easy to use and maintain.
A scythe is an economical tool that's easy to use and maintain.
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Tim with sons Caleb (5), Asher (3) and Micah (2).
Tim with sons Caleb (5), Asher (3) and Micah (2).
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Resting in the shade after a good afternoon's work.
Resting in the shade after a good afternoon's work.

Try a scythe weed cutter, a low-tech hack to control high weeds and grass.

Clearing Land With a Scythe Weed Cutter

When my Jari sickle mower broke down I went to the dealer for parts. “We’re about out of Jari parts;” he told me, “but I can order them for you.”

“All right,” I said, “I’ll check back in a week.” Which I did, only to find out that the parts hadn’t arrived. I called again the next week.

“Yeah, they’re here;” he said. But when I got to the shop, only half of what I needed had come in.

It went on like this for several weeks, and finally — after having gotten all the parts, but then not having the right tools to make the repair — I began to feel the weight of the city weed ordinance upon my conscience. I decided to borrow a scythe.

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