A Glossary of Natural Garden Pest Control Solutions

By Barbara Pleasant And Shelley Stonebrook
Updated on May 9, 2022
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Illustration by Linda Cook

An abundance of buzzing, hopping, fluttering and crawling insects is a trademark of any healthy organic garden. This diversity means insects that might feed on your crops are likely to be kept in check by their enemies. In small numbers, pests simply provide food for birds and beneficial insects, and if your soil and crops are healthy, plants fend off the pressure easily. Only when pest populations become excessive do gardeners need to step in to restore balance to keep their gardens thriving.

A good overarching mantra to guide you in your natural garden pest control efforts can be summed up in two words: Look closely. Examine your plants regularly, noting what kinds of insects you see. Observe whether you see just a few of a particular kind of insect or whether populations are growing, and look up pictures of what you see so you know which are beneficial and which are detrimental. (For pictures of and detailed information about beneficial and pest insects, see our Organic Pest Control Series.)

Refer to this glossary to preemptively ward off pests and, if problems do crop up, to target each complication with the best organic pest control solutions. We’ve separated this glossary into sections that present a three-pronged system of organic pest control: First, attract a diversity of beneficial insects by interplanting flowers and herbs — especially those that produce nectar from numerous small florets, such as mints and sweet alyssum. Second, put a variety of physical controls in place when pests get out of check or are known to be troublesome in your area (see the Top 15 Worst Garden Pests chart). Last, if needed, bring in organic insecticide reinforcements. The products listed in this glossary all have been approved by the U.S. National Organic Program.

Pest-Eating Beneficial Insects

The following insects feed on other insects, helping prevent pest species from doing more than minor damage to your crops.

Assassin bug. These 1-inch-long predatory bugs have shield-shaped backs and are active pest hunters. Larvae and adults feed on aphids, caterpillars, Colorado potato beetles, insect eggs and more. Assassin bugs are among the few natural predators that help control Mexican bean beetles.

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