Lasagna Layering. Does it Really Work?

Reader Contribution by Esther Coco Boe
Published on April 26, 2019
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Does lasagna layering really work?

Weeds are a big issue for me and I’m always on a mission to find ways to reduce and kill them without the use of chemicals.  Weeds can take over a garden bed in a week and the zeal and growth potential will make your head spin. 

One method that has been featured in journals and on social media is lasagna layering.  Lasagna layering has been a hot topic over the years.  The concept is a little more involved than weed control, but that’s one of the benefits of the method.

So lasagna layering is the process of making layers on top of the garden soil to add compost, retain moisture, provide good soil amendments, increase worm habitat, regulate temperature, and control weeds.  So this mysterious layering technique had caught my attention.  But does it work?

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