Tomato Taste Test: Reviewing ‘Indigo Rose’ Tomato Flavor

Reader Contribution by The Mother Earth News Facebook Community
Published on February 9, 2016
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We heard through the tomato vine that ‘Indigo Rose’ tomato flavor was lacking. This newly developed variety is known for its dramatic purple hue and its antioxidant content, especially anthocyanins. Concerned that seed companies may be hyping the flavor, describing the variety as “delectable” and “sparkling,” we asked members of our Facebook community to report their experiences with growing this purple tomato variety. The reviews from this informal tomato taste test were mixed; here’s a sampling.—MOTHER

I grew ‘Indigo Rose’ this year. The fruits are stunning on the plant and vine, but lack the great flavor I was really expecting and looking forward to. — Pilar V. Hari, Washington

I grew them last year. You have to let them really ripen on the vine, until they’re soft to the touch, to get the best taste. Underripe equals less flavor. They get orange on the bottom instead of green, and the purple tops get almost blackish-brown. They worked best in a mixed tomato salad, as the flavor didn’t stand on its own. — Donald J. Shurtleff, Rhode Island

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