Compost: Food Waste Prevention and Potential Fertilizer

Reader Contribution by Mike Lieberman
Published on June 3, 2011

I say compost, you think of rotting food, dirt, flies and a horrible smell. For that reason most people wont’ even consider composting at home. 

It’s not all totally true. Compost is made from rotting food and dirt, yes. Though if it’s properly maintained, the flying insects and be kept under control. It will results in a resource that can help to feed and strengthen your home or apartment garden.

When you use food scraps, you will also be helping from keep the food from the landfill. About one third of waste in the world is attributed to food. Not only is it a waste, but it also won’t properly decompose in the landfill and turns into harmful CO2 and methane gases.

According to the New York City Compost Project, “The average New York City household discards two pounds of organic waste each day–adding up to more than one million tons of organic material a year.”

Doesn’t it seem like a complete waste to toss out these things that you already have on hand that help your garden to survive?

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