When you ask people if they want chemicals in their garden or on their food, most will say no.
They want to limit their exposure to the chemicals and pollutants.
The sad part is that once they contaminate the soil, it can takes years to get rid of them.
That’s why you are going to want to avoid using chemical-laden fertilizers and use organic materials or worm castings instead.
Tips for Planting Tomatoes
- When you plant tomatoes, select a location that has full sun all day long. If sun can hit the entire plant, it will grow better and fruit will appear sooner.
- Spacing is also important. We suggest 3 feet by 3 feet, and no closer.
- Proper air circulation will reduce pest and disease problems.
- Stimulating and maintaining healthy, biological soil is also a key component. Soil that drains well is preferred, and adding organic microbes such as beneficial bacteria and Mycorrhizal fungi will extend the root systems and increase water and nutrient retention.
Your Options
Some gardeners use organic compost or mulches to accelerate plant growth and help deter insect infestation and disease. Organic Compost and mulches contain the same microbes, but in a dry formula it takes a lot longer for them to get to the roots and they cannot attach to plant surfaces.
We recommend using aliquid organic formula such as compost theTHRIVE line of products, which have more microbes and will attach to plant surfaces.
THRIVE is an earth-friendly soil conditioner and root stimulator that’s an all-natural way to give your tomato garden an all-natural boost. Its two main ingredients, microbes and Mychorrhizal Fungi, work together to extend your plant’s roots further into the soil for better drought tolerance and the microbes help convert locked away nutrients to make them available to your plants, naturally. Best of all, it is child and pet friendly with no fear of over-treating.
Want to try Thrive in your garden? Request free samples today.
What have you used and are other options for growing great tomatoes without the chemicals?
Image courtesy of stanleyenglishmanor on Flickr.