Gourmet Garlic: Turbans

Reader Contribution by Andrea Cross
Published on October 2, 2014
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Growing gourmet garlic can be difficult in some regions due to a relatively short growing season. Turban garlic cultivars are subsequently a great solution for growers in this predicament. One of the earliest garlics to be harvested, Turbans are also a great option for growers looking to extend their market season. Turbans have a very diverse source history, with strains originating in China, the Former Soviet Union, and even Mexico. Remarkably, although they come from different regions, the various cultivars remain strikingly similar. Several cultivars you may find locally include Xian, Red Janice, and Sonoran.


In contrast to other hardneck varieties, Turban garlics require only a short dormancy period before they begin to sprout. This trait is more commonly seen in softneck varieties, and interestingly, the Turban cultivars tend to be very weak bolters, sometimes not producing scapes at all. Scapes, when produced by this type of garlic do not curl like the more strongly-bolting types, but simply droop. They also do not need to be removed prior to harvest, as their presence does not seem to negatively impact overall blub size. The umbel topping the scape is short and characteristically ‘turban’-shaped, holding between 30 and 100 small to medium-sized bulbils.

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