Horticultural Charcoal vs. Activated Charcoal for Sick Soils

Why Activated Charcoal for Plants Works Best.

By John Dinsley
Published on May 1, 2023
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Horticultural charcoal is becoming an increasingly common soil amendment, but when it comes to healing sick toxic soils, activated charcoal is the treatment of choice. The term horticultural charcoal is a spinoff of the biochar revolution that also popularized the use of plain charcoal in agricultural management. Studies of ancient man-made soils [Terra Preta] in the Amazon basin showed the impressive benefits of incorporating plain charcoal in otherwise low productive soils. These vast areas of man-made soils using charcoal made in simple ovens/kilns boasted up to 400% increased fertility over nearby similar soils without charcoal.

These studies in the Amazon jungles helped to spearhead the “bio-” movement which has segmented into bio-mass, bio-fuels, bio-degradable, bio-reactors, biomes… and bio-char. Biochar, used specifically for agriculture, has gone through a couple name changes, agri-char… and now horticultural charcoal. Clearly, horticultural charcoal is wise soil management for otherwise uncontaminated ancient jungle soils and unpolluted modern gardens and farms. But today, the reality is most soils that have been under cultivation for any time at all are contaminated and polluted with any number of manmade chemicals with their toxic residues. This is where activated charcoal for plants, lawns, golf greens, excels over horticultural charcoal.

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