All About Apples

Learn about the development of different apple varieties and the role of apples in American history.

By Roger Yepsen
Published on January 5, 2018
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by Unsplash/Annie Spratt

Apples (Countryman Press, 2017), by Roger Yepsen vividly describes the aroma, taste, texture and appearance of a variety of apples. This book takes a look at the classic apples and also incorporates fifteen newly popular ones. The following excerpt includes Chapter 1, “The Fruit of Legend and Lunchboxes,” and the following apples, “Baldwin,” “Blushing Golden,” “Empire,” “Arkansas Black,” and “Williams’ Pride.”

The Fruit of Legends and Lunchboxes

Apples. Red, round, crisp, and cool.

The list of adjectives doesn’t have to stop there. The orchards of North America have produced some sixteen thousand varieties worthy of being named. Each has its characteristic hues, heft in the hand, flavors, aromas, crispness — all of which could be called the apple’s personality. Some apples seem mysterious and take time to get to know. Others can be as accessible as a carrot.

There are fruity apples tasting of banana, mango, pineapple, and pear, and spicy apples tasting of licorice, cinnamon, coriander, rue, and nutmeg. Apples can be had candy sweet or lemon sour, cleanly astringent or mild-mannered, and hard as a raw potato or messy as a peach.

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