How To Make Herbal Oil For Hair Growth At Home

Ready to jump into the world of oil healing for hair? Learn how to make herbal oil for hair growth at home, with herbs you can easily forage nearby.

Reader Contribution by Taylor Goggin
Updated on March 10, 2023
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by AdobeStock/chamillew

Ready to jump into the world of oil healing for hair? Learn how to make herbal oil for hair growth at home, with herbs you can easily forage nearby.

Did you know your local park has the hidden potential of being a forge-able food forest? On a recent bike ride through the park, the herbal haul I raked in consisted of: rosemary, pine needle, and lantana flowers. Of course adhering to foraging rules in my city and only taking a handful of herbs I needed, I am able to create a holistic hair serum to last for months on end!

Learning how to infuse oils is actually much simpler than you might imagine. In fact, I’d say the most challenging step is patience while waiting for your fusion to be nice and potent! Here is an infused oil I know you will love; used to strengthen and grow your hair into a healthy, beautiful mane.

  • Rosemary. Rosemary is an herbal powerhouse for hair growth. The medicinal properties of the herb prevent hair follicles from being starved of blood flow, weakening, and leading to hair loss. In fact, rosemary improves circulation to the scalp therefore stimulating hair growth. This herb also acts as a cleanser due to its antibacterial properties and naturally cleanses the hair. Rosemary increases shine and relieves irritated, itchy scalps, and dandruff.
  • Pine needle. Paired with rosemary, pine needle is the perfect partner to repair hair. This magical herb is jam packed with Vitamin E, known for increasing hair growth. Correspondingly to rosemary, pine needle, keeps the scalp clean and free from dandruff. Also known for reversing hair loss, pine needle can stimulate strong, thick, healthy hair when applied.
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