Treat Bee, Hornet, and Wasp Stings Naturally

By Brigitte Mars
Published on August 20, 2018
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If the individual is allergic, inject epinephrine, if available.
If the individual is allergic, inject epinephrine, if available.
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“The Natural First Aid Handbook” is a useful tool for natural remedies, treatments and emergency preparedness.
“The Natural First Aid Handbook” is a useful tool for natural remedies, treatments and emergency preparedness.

If you do not like to use chemicals on your body and would like to use a more natural approach, The Natural First Aid Handbook (Storey Publishing, 2017) by Brigitte Mars, is the book for you. Find herbal and homeopathic treatments for common conditions as well as tips to be prepared for emergency situations. This excerpts can be found in chapter 2, “An A-Z Guide to Ailments and Injuries.”

Stings (Bee, Hornet, and Wasp)

Stings can be fatal. If you or someone with you experiences any of the signs of an allergic reaction listed below, seek immediate medical attention!

Seek immediate medical attention if:

  • The individual’s tongue swells
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