Get to know Erin McIntosh of Mountain Rose Herbs and Victoria Miller of Canyon Creek Farms.
What are you going to speak about at the MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIR?
I’ll be demonstrating just how rewarding and easy creating herbal medicines at home can be.
I’ll also share herbal knowledge, recipes, and projects for finding natural calm and restful sleep.
Tell us about your background with your particular topic.
just finished a two year field apprenticeship through the Columbines
School of Botanical Studies in Eugene, where I learned to identify,
locate, sustainably harvest, and make medicine with native plants in the
Oregon Cascades. I also spend my days at Mountain Rose Herbs and get to
experiment with herbs and learn from a diverse group of really
knowledgeable people daily. Last year, I had the honor of becoming a
contributor for the Herb Companion blogs as well. I really enjoy having
the opportunity to write about my adventures in herbalism!
What are you most looking forward to sharing with FAIR attendees?
love to share practical, everyday herbalism with anyone looking to
bring plant medicine into their lives. You can just see the sparkle of
empowerment fill their eyes. It’s awesome!
What are you most looking forward to at the FAIR?
look forward to exploring Puyallup, connecting with other attendees,
and learning from all of the other amazing teachers who will be giving
their time, energy, and wisdom during the fair.
What are you going to speak about at the MOTHER EARTH NEWS FAIR?
Turkeys Aren’t Chickens: The Basics of Keeping Turkeys.
What are you most looking forward to sharing with FAIR attendees?
I am most looking forward to sharing what we’ve learned about raising
turkeys, seeing my friends at ALBC, talking to Storey Publishing about
my book, and I hope to spend time learning more about solar and
microhydro energy.
What advice do you have for attendees?
Advice for attendees? Come with an open mind and
a willingness to learn; bring a large bag for all the literature and
business cards you will be taking home; have a supply of both sunglasses
and umbrellas with you.
If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only have one thing, what would you choose?
If I’m limited to one thing, it would be a favorite book. If I
could have two things, I would choose a fat spiral notebook and
something to write with.
Thank you both. We’ll see you at the FAIR!
Please visit the FAIR website
for more information about the Puyallup, Wash. FAIR June 4-5, and
upcoming FAIRs in San Rafael, Calif. and Seven Springs, Penn. Tickets are on sale now for all fairs.
You can also get FAIR updates on our Facebook and Twitter pages.