Natural Remedies: Changing an Herb Hobby into an Herb Business

By Frank Greco
Published on June 1, 1996
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Now a local celebrity, Ann gives
Now a local celebrity, Ann gives "on-the-air" herbal advice every week.
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Undaunted by first-year sales of just $1,200, Ann let patience and care do the rest.
Undaunted by first-year sales of just $1,200, Ann let patience and care do the rest.
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Now a local celebrity, Ann gives
Now a local celebrity, Ann gives "on-the-air" herbal advice every week.
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Now a local celebrity, Ann gives
Now a local celebrity, Ann gives "on-the-air" herbal advice every week.
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Now a local celebrity, Ann gives
Now a local celebrity, Ann gives "on-the-air" herbal advice every week.
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Now a local celebrity, Ann gives
Now a local celebrity, Ann gives "on-the-air" herbal advice every week.

The Natural Remedies column this month shares information on store owner Ann Marie Wishard and her herbal remedies. (See the herb illustrations in the image gallery.)

Homemade Natural Remedies

Women stand mixing dried roots, barks, berries, and flowers
in washtub-sized crates, their dust masks caked with herb
dust, bags crunching as they pour more ingredients into the
crates and restock. Whatever the season, Sweet Annie’s Herb

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