Herbal teas and hot-water infusions go far beyond the conventional store-bought tea bags and hot water. Infusions are an art, and tea can be transformed, manipulated into inspiring beverages. Whether you are trying to fall into a deep slumber, get an energy kick, or tame an upset stomach, tea has your back! Let’s dive into some easy batches of herbal tea you can whip up in your home. Locate your pot filled with water and let’s get brewing!
Fall Brew Infusion
- Apple slices
- Ginger
Flu Fighter Infusion
- Lemon
- Ginger
- Garlic clove
- Dash of cayenne pepper
- Honey (for added sweetness)
Sweet Dreams Tea Infusion
- (Tila) Linden flower
- (Menta) Mint
- Honey
- Cinnamon bark
Herbal Remedy Infusion
- Mint
- Rosemary
- Lemon grass
This is one of my favorite teas to make. If you have a garden and grow your own herbs simply use whichever ones you have at hand. Bring them to a boil in a large pot and let them steep for at least an hour. This tea is more on the bitter side, however, jam packed with healing properties from the steeped herbs of your choosing.
Fruit Peel Infusion
Use the peel from fruits to create a delicious citrus infusion. Make sure the peels are cleaned before, bring water to a boil, steep, and strain before serving.
Gut-Healing Infusion
Collect veggies scraps leftover from cooking.Throw them in a pot of water and bring to a boil.Let it sit for a few hours and strain.Resulting in a freshly brewed veggie broth!
Tea is extremely versatile so create your blends according to your taste buds or how you are feeling. If you feel bloated, stressed, or dealing with an upset stomach there is a tea for every occasion. Follow any of the previously mentioned recipes or tailor it to your own preferences! These blends are also amazing ways to increase your water intake by infusing delicious flavors together. Feel free to throw your batches in the fridge and enjoy a refreshing beverage throughout the day. Happy brewing!
Taylor Goggin is tropical gardener in Florida who gained her skills in cooperative agriculture while work-trading with a World-Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF) program on the Hawaiian Islands. She now grows papaya, banana, avocado, fig, tomatoes, and medicinal herbs to make into inventive plant-based recipes. Connect with Taylor on Instagram, and read all of her MOTHER EARTH NEWS posts here.
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