The Hidden Risks of Nightlights for Children

Reader Contribution by Chelsea Clark
Published on October 20, 2014
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While many kids (and adults, too) might prefer to sleep with a light on, research shows that exposure to artificial light after the sun goes down can disrupt healthy body function and is associated with an increased risk for cancer. So turn off your computers, TVs, and nightlights for kids, and learn to embrace the nighttime darkness.

Light, Circadian Rhythms and Melatonin

Our bodies are governed by a 24-hour biological clock, the circadian rhythm. The circadian rhythm regulates when we sleep and wake, and governs many other important biological processes. Melatonin, one of the main hormones responsible for maintaining this cycle, is normally produced in the dark. Light at night suppresses the pineal gland’s secretion of melatonin and disrupts the circadian rhythm.[1] Low melatonin can contribute to a wide variety of health conditions, from sleeplessness to migraines.

Increased Cancer Risk

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