Healing 101

Reader Contribution by Shawn Hosford
Published on May 18, 2015
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Most of the time when doing ladder chores around the house, I insist on being Mark’s spotter. He often thinks I am being goofy and overprotective. He is steady, has great balance, and is just generally good being up on ladders and even roofs. Me on the other hand, well I am not. My nickname was grub growing up, I often paint half of my arms and outfit along with the rooms I’m painting, and have been know to bike into very stationary hundred year old walls.

On a recent Sunday however I overlooked my more clumsy nature as I climbed up our step ladder in our back yard. I had secured the ladder in the dirt and knew I would not climb very high. Mostly, I was looking forward to checking one more chore off the spring clean up list – removing some strung lights out of a rhododendron. The lights had been attacked by squirrels, who apparently have a disdain for strings of lights running through their homes. Up I went.

Ten minutes into my chore, I over-reached for a branch while I was four feet off uneven ground and ended up tangled up with the now mangled branch and my body – ladder no longer under foot. Being a “can do gal” I tried my best to get up, but failed. After a couple persistent try’s I remembered my cell phone in my pocket and promptly called Mark for help.

One trip to the doctor later and I had been awarded my first fracture, my kneecap, just shy of turning fifty five. I was given a handy brace and he and I discussed other ways to encourage my body through a speedy recovery. Over the course of the conversation I made it known I planned to be going into a salt infused float tank, using homeopathics, possibly acupuncture and/or raki. His suggestions further included icing, elevation, calcium, vitamin D, and a multivitamin.

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