Most of the time when doing ladder chores around the house, I insist on being Mark’s spotter. He often thinks I am being goofy and overprotective. He is steady, has great balance, and is just generally good being up on ladders and even roofs. Me on the other hand, well I am not. My nickname was grub growing up, I often paint half of my arms and outfit along with the rooms I’m painting, and have been know to bike into very stationary hundred year old walls.
On a recent Sunday however I overlooked my more clumsy nature as I climbed up our step ladder in our back yard. I had secured the ladder in the dirt and knew I would not climb very high. Mostly, I was looking forward to checking one more chore off the spring clean up list – removing some strung lights out of a rhododendron. The lights had been attacked by squirrels, who apparently have a disdain for strings of lights running through their homes. Up I went.
Ten minutes into my chore, I over-reached for a branch while I was four feet off uneven ground and ended up tangled up with the now mangled branch and my body – ladder no longer under foot. Being a “can do gal” I tried my best to get up, but failed. After a couple persistent try’s I remembered my cell phone in my pocket and promptly called Mark for help.
One trip to the doctor later and I had been awarded my first fracture, my kneecap, just shy of turning fifty five. I was given a handy brace and he and I discussed other ways to encourage my body through a speedy recovery. Over the course of the conversation I made it known I planned to be going into a salt infused float tank, using homeopathics, possibly acupuncture and/or raki. His suggestions further included icing, elevation, calcium, vitamin D, and a multivitamin.
In my weeks of recovery I floated, iced, elevated, went to a rakki master, and added homeopathic, calcium, vitamin D and a multivitamin to my daily routine. When telling a concerned friend about the six week crutches prognosis and the three month recovery she piped up that she had just the cure to help with my speedy recovery. Bridget told me about bone marrow soup that had helped her in the past and offered to bring over two large containers. Wow, was it yummy.
One week later I was back at the doctor and his findings were amazing. We looked at the X-rays together as he concluded the fracture had healed. Although he was scientifically detached from and unconvinced by my more alternative treatment methods he was sure to confirm the power of the mind. My plan was: two more weeks of crutches and/or using a brace for extra strength in the healing, less brace time when I was not on my feet, continued homeopathy, salt infused floating, vitamins, soup, and raki if needed. Five weeks in I am walking without a brace or knee sleeve, I am doing PT and look forward to getting back to my three mile walks in the coming weeks.
I am thankful for the the R and R this lesson has provided as well as the reminder that multiple and often a combination of healing methods makes for quick recoveries.
Can you share your story of healing with others? What practices do you keep when you need to heal? Would it be worth exploring other methods through research?
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