A Safety Report On Cell Phone Radiation

Reader Contribution by Ramsey Cox
Published on September 15, 2009

This week the Environmental Working Group released a report on the health of cell phones. Cell phones emit radiation, but scientists have not determined if the radiation is harmful or not. Some health concerns are that the radiation can increase risks of brain and mouth tumors.

The EWG provides a list of phones that release the least and most radiation. You can also look up your cell phone model to see how it rates on their list.

Rather than giving up your cell phone, the EWG has a guide with suggestions to reduce your risk of cell phone radiation exposure. Some suggestions are: buy a low-radiation cell phone, use a headset while talking on your cell phone, talk less on your cell phone, hold your cell phone away from your body and use speaker phone, text rather than talk on your cell phone and if your cell phone has a low signal, try not to use it because the cell phone emits more radiation while searching for a cell tower signal. 

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