The epidemic of dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease effects countless numbers of families worldwide, mine included. In an effort to understand the root cause of this relatively new phenomenon, I spent over 80 hours reading through scores of research studies and the data that I uncovered may startle you, but also give you hope. Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease is not “normal” or our fate. There are clear causative factors which can be mitigated once you understand them. There is a lot of information to cover so this exposé is being presented in three parts to make it easier to digest. This week, part two takes a look at the research linking aluminum, microbes and dementia. If you missed part one click here:Mercury: Research on the Environmental Neurotoxin’s Link to Dementia. Next week, the third part will offer possible solutions.
In 2011, The International Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease published a study stating, “It is widely accepted that aluminum is a recognized neurotoxin, and that it could cause cognitive deficiency and dementia when it enters the brain and may have various adverse effects on the CNS.” [1] It has been confirmed that aluminum crosses the blood brain barrier, enters the brain, and accumulates. [1, 2] In fact, researchers have found, “the most prominent aluminum accumulations occur within the neurofibrillary tangle itself”. [3, 4] In the past, aluminum toxicity was an issue for dialysis patients when aluminum was not removed from the water used during treatment. The Clinic for Neurology and Psychiatry, Institute of Medical Biochemistry, and Medical Clinic of the University of Graz in Austria studied this concern and wrote “It can be concluded from our finding that in dialyzed patients there is a correlation between serum aluminum levels and the appearance of dementia and EEG changes.” [5] A publication in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease written by a scientist from the Neural Dynamics Research Group, University of British Columbia concluded, “The hypothesis that aluminum significantly contributes to Alzheimer’s is built upon very solid experimental evidence and should not be dismissed. Immediate steps should be taken to lessen human exposure to aluminum, which may be the single most aggravating and avoidable factor related to Alzheimer’s Disease”. [6] Researchers from Toronto General Hospital concluded, “The evidence thus far indicates that aluminum is toxic to the brain and it is probable that it has a pathogenic role in Alzheimer’s disease”. [2] In areas where there is elevated aluminum in drinking water, there is a higher incidence of AD. [7] Professor Chris Exley from Keele University in England has been researching aluminum for over 30 years, his nickname is Mr. Aluminum. In one of his research articles published in Frontiers in Neurology, he makes the case that “an individual’s exposure to aluminum is impacting upon their health and is already contributing to, if not causing, chronic diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.” [8] Two scientists from the University of British Columbia have also studied this exposure and in one of their publications stated, “The literature demonstrates clearly negative impacts of aluminum on the nervous system across the age span. In adults, aluminum exposure can lead to apparently age-related neurological deficits resembling Alzheimer’s and has been linked to this disease”. [9]
As far as sources of aluminum, childhood vaccines are responsible for a significant early exposure. Approximately 17 of the vaccines administered by the age of 18 months contain an aluminum adjuvant. Proponents claim that the exposure is lower than what is ingested through food and not an issue. But research into how the aluminum adjuvant responds when injected into muscle shows a different story. An article published in Frontiers in Neurology stated, “poorly biodegradable aluminum-coated particles injected into muscle are promptly phagocytosed in muscle and the draining lymph nodes, and can disseminate within phagocytic cells throughout the body and slowly accumulate in brain. This strongly suggests that long-term adjuvant biopersistence within phagocytic cells is a prerequisite for slow brain translocation and delayed neurotoxicity.” [10] In other words, injecting children with vaccines containing aluminum isn’t as benign as proponents would like us to believe.
Other sources of aluminum exposure in our daily lives include: most antiperspirants, toothpastes containing aluminum oxides, most cosmetics, infant formula, beverages in cans, antacids and aspirin, black and green teas, baking powders unless labeled aluminum-free, many non-dairy creamers, processed cheeses such as American cheese, most pickles, table salt, aluminum foil, aluminum pots and pans, throw away aluminum pans/containers, foil wrapped candies and other products, aluminum siding, vehicle emissions, emissions from manufacturing facilities and other industrial activities, and water that has been purified using aluminum sulphate.
The Stacking of Heavy Metal Exposures
Heavy metal exposures build up over our lifetime, potentially starting in the womb since mercury, aluminum and other metals can cross the placenta. [11, 12, 13] The EPA states that when mercury passes from mother to fetus, “this exposure can adversely affect unborn infants’ growing brains and nervous systems”. [14] The National Research Council’s Committee on the Toxicological Effects of Methylmercury estimates that over 60,000 infants are born annually at risk for adverse neurodevelpmental effects because of being exposed to methylmercury in utero when the mother consumes contaminated fish and seafood. [15] Mothers can also pass mercury and aluminum to their infants through breastmilk. [11, 16, 17, 18]. Infant formula is no panacea, however, since it is often contaminated with aluminum. [19] When exposed to heavy metals in utero, through breastmilk or formula, and through vaccines – the immediate concerns are more related to disturbed neurological development and resulting disorders which may include autism. For adult populations that have been chronically exposed, the concern is that dementia will be the end result of the accumulation of heavy metals over the course of a lifetime. The storage of heavy metals in the brain is elevated in individuals that do not excrete them efficiently.
Dr. Haley, whose work was mentioned earlier, found there to be “synergistic toxicity” in most cases involving mercury, other heavy metals, organic-mercury compounds such as the thimerosal found in vaccines, and microbes. [20] His concept of heavy metal and microbe combinations creating synergistic toxicity is intriguing. But Dr. Haley isn’t the only researcher finding a connection between AD and microbes. In February of 2016, an international group of thirty-three researchers published an editorial in the Journal of Alzheimer’s proposing microbes play a role in causing the disease. These 33 researchers point out that at least 100 studies have already been conducted “implicating specific microbes in the elderly brain, notably herpes simplex”. [21] Since microbes and heavy metals are shown to interact in the environment, my question is, could it be possible that microbes in the brain benefit from metals also being present, feeding off of the metals in some way? [22, 23] I hope research will be funded to study this possibility.
Why Aren’t the Alarms being Sounded?
Since research indicates mercury, aluminum, (other heavy metals), and microbes are individually or in concert causative factors in dementia, you may be wondering why more people don’t know . . . why the alarms haven’t been sounding loud and clear. You may be wondering why there hasn’t been a big push to remove these exposures from our lives. You’re probably wondering why those diagnosed with dementia (and their families) aren’t being told of these correlations. Maybe it’s because this information isn’t being taught in medical school yet, and doctors aren’t keeping up with the research data. But why isn’t this being taught in medical school? Dr. Exley (aka Mr. Aluminum) has stated, “The most significant factor driving complacency about the potential dangers of aluminum is its omnipresence in modern life”. [24] Look around you, aluminum is everywhere, who wants to be the first to admit we are poisoning ourselves with our addiction to all of the products aluminum provides? Industry propaganda doesn’t make it any easier. In the case of mercury, it may be just too inconvenient to the dental profession to admit this danger, especially because of the litigation that is sure to follow. The vaccine manufacturers certainly don’t want these dangers to become accepted because of the pandora’s box it would open. And as far as evidence that herpetic virus’ are found in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients, your guess is as good as mine as to why this topic isn’t being given focused attention. A researcher recently confided that there are influential people in this field who are hostile to the concept of a viral role in Alzheimer’s Disease, making it difficult to secure funding for clinical trials. But while these causations are ignored, worldwide the number of people with dementia is expected to reach 75.6 million in 2030, and 135.5 million in 2050. [25] This information needs to be shouted from the rooftops; it is urgent, obvious, and critical.
Next week, part three of this expose will take a look at possible solutions to this crisis. Topics to be covered include prevention, safe amalgam removal, detoxing, nutritional deficiencies, diet, anti-microbials, support for CNS, neurotoxins, and pharmaceuticals.
If you missed part one, click here: Mercury: Research on the Neurotoxin’s Link to Dementia.
Judy DeLorenzo is a holistic health practitioner, garden foodie, and daycare founder. She has a deep understanding that food is medicine and “we are what we eat” so we should treat our bodies with respect by eating pure, whole, super nutritious foods. She loves to grow and shop for food, create recipes, cook, take food photos, and share the process with clients, her social media audience, family, and friends. You can learn more about Judy’s healing practice atBiofield Healingand enjoy her blog posts at A Life Well Planted. Read all of Judy’s MOTHER EARTH NEWS postshere.
[1] Kawahara M, Kato-Negishi M (2011) Link between Aluminum and the Pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s Disease International Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, Section 4
[2] Krishnan SS, McLachlan DR, Krishnan B, Fenton SS, Harrison JE (1988) Aluminum toxicity to the brain Science of the Total Environment
[3] Perl DP, Good PF (1992) Aluminium and the neurofibrillary tangle: results of tissue microprobe studies Ciba Foundation Symposium
[4] Good PF, Perl DP, Bierer LM, Schmeidler J (1992) Selective accumulation of aluminum and iron in the neurofibrillary tangles of Alzheimer’s disease: a laser microprobe (LAMMA) study Annals of Neurology
[5] Ladurner G, Wawschinek O, Pogglitsch H, Petek W, Urlesberger H, Holzr H (1982) Neurophysiological Finding and Serum Aluminum in Dialysis Encephalopathy
[6] Tomljenovic L (2011) Aluminum and Alzheimer’s Disease: After a Century of Controversy is there a Plausible Link? Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease
[7] Rondeau V, Commenges D, Jacqmin-Gadda H, Dartigues H (2008) Relation between aluminum concentrations in drinking water and Alzheimer’s disease: an 8-year follow-up study American Journal of Epidemiology
[8] Exley C Why industry propaganda and political interference cannot disguise the inevitable role played by human exposure to aluminum in neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease Frontiers in Neurology
[9] Shaw C, Tomljenovic L (2013) Aluminum in the central nervous system (CNS): toxicity in humans and animals, vaccine adjuvants, and autoimmunity Immunologic Research
[10] Gherardi RK, Eidi H, Crépeaux G, Authier FJ, Cadusseau J (2015) Biopersistence and Brain Translocation of Aluminum Adjuvants of Vaccines Frontiers in Neurology
[11] Mutter J (2011) Is dental amalgam safe for humans? The opinion of the scientific committee of the European Commission Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology
[12] Bedir Findik R, Celik H, Ersoy AO, Tasci Y, Moraloglu O, Karakaya J (2016) Mercury concentration in maternal serum, cord blood, and placenta in patients with amalgam dental fillings: effects on fetal biometric measurements Journal of Maternal Fetal and Neonatal Medicine
[13] Kruger PC, Schell LM, Stark AD, Parsons PJ (2010) A study of the distribution of aluminum in human placental tissues based on alkaline solubilization with determination by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry Metallomics: Royal Society of Chemistry
[14] EPA: Health Effects of Exposures to Mercury
[15] National Research Council 2000: Toxicological Effects of Methylmercury page 4
[16] Oskarsson A, Schültz A, Skerfving S, Hallén IP, Ohlin B, Lagerkvist BJ (1996) Total and inorganic mercury in breast milk in relation to fish consumption and amalgam in lactating women Archives Environmental Health
[17] Bose-O’Reilly S, McCarty K, Steckling N, Lettmeier B (2010) Mercury Exposure and Children’s Health Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Healthcare
[18] Dórea J (2014) Aluminium Concentrations in Human Milk: Additional Comments on Exposure Issues in the Neonate Pediatrics and Neonatology
[19] Fanni D, Ambu R, Gerosa C, Nemolato S, Iacovidou N, Van Eyken P, Fanos V, Zaffanello M, Faa G (2014) Aluminum exposure and toxicity in neonates: a practical guide to halt aluminum overload in the prenatal and perinatal periods World Journal of Pediatrics
[20] Haley, B Mercury toxicity: Genetic susceptibility and synergetic effects (2005), pages 540-41
[21] Itzhaki R, Lathe R, Balin B, Ball M, Bearer E, Braak H, Bullido M, Carter C, Clerici M, Cosby SL, Del Tredici K, Field H, Fulop T, Grassi C, Griffin S, Haas J, Hudson A,
Kamer A, Kell D, Licastro F, Letenneur L, Lovheim H, Mancuso R, Miklossy J, Otth C,
Palamara AT, Perry G, Preston C, Pretorius E, Strandberg T, Tabet N, Taylor-Robinson S, Whittum-Hudson J (2016) Microbes and Alzheimer’s Disease Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease
[22 ] Cervantes C, Espino-Saldaña AE, Acevedo-Aguilar F, León-Rodriguez IL, Rivera-Cano ME, Avila-Rodríguez M, Wróbel-Kaczmarczyk K, Wróbel-Zasada K, Gutiérrez-Corona JF, Rodríguez-Zavala JS, Moreno-Sánchez R 2006 Microbial interactions with heavy metals Latin American Journal of Microbiology
[ 23] Engineered Bacteria Mop Up Mercury Spills (2011) Science Daily
[24] Exley C Why industry propaganda and political interference cannot disguise the inevitable role played by human exposure to aluminum in neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease Frontiers in Neurology
[25] 2016 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures Alzheimer’s Association, pages 17, 26, 10
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