Enter for a chance to win one of these featured List of Likes products in our sweepstakes by visiting www.HerbCompanion.com/ListOfLikes.
Herbs and Spices kitchen towel set by Greener Grass Design, $18
Decorated with simple storage tips and fun facts, these hand towels are ideal for any herbalista’s kitchen. www.greenergrassdesign.com
Mortar and pestle by Chef’s Planet, $25
Crush herbs and spices with this efficient gadget that doesn’t monopolize your counter space. www.chefsplanet.com
Herb Snips by Silvermark, $12
Snip herbs with these specifically designed scissors, now also available in fuchsia. www.silvermk.com
Ayurvedic herbal elixirs by Adina for Life, $2.29
Cool off and reap health benefits on the go from these organic, delicate-tasting herbal infusions. www.adinaworld.com
Blended iced teas by Numi Organic Tea, $2.79
For travel-friendly tea, you can’t beat these organic, gluten-free flavors in glass bottles. www.numitea.com
Peach Cherry salsa by Chukar Cherry Company, $9.50
Try this tasty combination of cilantro, garlic, tomatoes, tart cherries and peaches. www.chukar.com
Cherry with Star Anise jam by Lemon Bird Handmade Jams, $7 to $9
We recommend this handcrafted jam as an ice cream topping. www.lemonbirddesign.com
Organic vinaigrette by Organicville Foods, $3.99
Dress up your bland salads with these organic herbal vinaigrettes. www.organicvillefoods.com
Herb-infused peanut butter by P.B. Loco, $6.95
Try all-natural peanut butters, such as Sumatra Cinnamon & Raisin and Asian Curry Spice, to create peanut butter cookie dough. www.pbloco.com
Ginger Zest lollipops by Yummy Earth, $7.99
Stow lollipops from the 14-ounce bag away to settle your stomach during airplane, boat or car travel. www.yummyearth.com
Organic chocolate by Shaman Chocolates, $3
This fair trade Organic Dark Chocolate with Green Tea & Ginger bar is delicious, and proceeds support the Huichol Indians. www.shamanchocolates.com
Herbed sea salt by On Thyme Gourmet, $5.75
Go gourmet with this 6-ounce jar of organically processed sea salt with added basil, thyme and garlic. www.onthymegourmet.net