Mother Earth News June/July 2024 Table of Contents
Avoid ‘Forever Chemicals’ in Your Garden
PFAS can accumulate in crops. A simple home test can reduce the risks of cardboard mulching.
Use Cardboard in Your Garden
Old packaging can suppress weeds and build soil.
Dragons of the Field
Verify the Vegetation
Can you recognize toxic look-alikes when foraging?
Cut and Dried
Experts give the ins and outs of small-scale hay production.
DIY Enrichment for Dogs and Cats
Enhance your pets’ wellbeing with homemade toys and healthy activity.
Running Dry
Choose the right plants for sustainable gardens in hot, low-water conditions.
Asian Jumping Worms: An Old New Threat
Limit the spread of these invasive invertebrates.
Keep Your Ducks in a Row
Put web-footed friends to work in your garden while keeping plants safe.
News from Mother
Our Many Paths
Dear Mother
Reader letters of inspiration, community, and more.
Green Gazette
Updates on clean energy’s impact on Indigenous land, yellow peas, environmental safety standards for mattresses, USDA climate zones, regeneratively grown flour, and electric tractors.
Hometown Hacks
How to Grow a Spiral Walking Stick
Gone Off-Grid
Hoss Boyd answers questions about energy systems.
Country Lore
Reader tips on cardboard solar ovens, “squash blossom” insect traps, DIY water storage, selfclosing gates, and more.
Ask Our Experts
Expert advice on fermenting garlic, clearing pond water, and rebuilding a wheelbarrow.
Photos from the Field
Reader-submitted photos.