Mother Earth News December 2023/January 2024 Table of Contents
Grow Food, Save Money
Reduce your grocery bill by learning to grow your own produce.
Warm, Buttery English Muffins
Bake up a batch of this simple breakfast toast.
Chemical Drift
Bird-Feeding and You
Make this nature-friendly pastime safer for you and your feathered neighbors.
Magnificent Monarch Migration
Help these butterflies as they make their yearly journey south.
The Original World Wide Web
Science begins to understand soil-dwelling microbes.
Have a Happy Waste-Free Holiday
Before you deck the halls, check out ways to reduce your environmental footprint.
News from Mother
Reduce, Reuse, or Recycle?
Green Gazette
Updates on schoolyard composting in Hawai’i, evaluating the fate of e-waste, planting trees in cities, restoring forests, and clean environments for Montana youth.
Dear Mother
Reader letters of inspiration, community, and more.
Firsthand Reports: Retirement Homestead
A homesteader spends his golden years working the land and making art on a remote plot.
Mother-Tested: Pasta from Scratch
Explore creativity in the kitchen with homemade artisan pasta.
How to Raise Channel Catfish
Starting your catfish stock is easy.
Gone Off-Grid
Hoss Boyd and Kerena Reese answer questions about energy systems.
Country Lore
Reader tips on making mayonnaise, tamanu oil, DIY fire starters, growing sorghum, upcycling lamps for plants, “harvesting” hair for donation, and more.
Ask Our Experts
Expert advice on cooperative co-housing communities, attractive edible landscaping, and making homemade yeast.
Photos from the Field
Reader-submitted photos.