Mother Earth News August/September 2023 Table of Contents
Preserve Nutrition
Learn what factors reduce nutrients in home-canned food.
Herbal Flea & Tick Remedies
Protect your pets from parasites with these herbal repellants.
Craft Your Own Botanical Watercolors
Elderberries: A Wondrous and Wild Fruit
A healthy, flavorful addition to your pantry and medicine cabinet.
Food Versus Fuel
Could new biofuels ease an energy crisis?
Find Your Way to the FAIR
A reader’s journey from magazine pages to FAIRS across the country.
Cloth Diapering in the Modern Era
Navigate the new diaper options.
Black Foodways
Nourishing the Community, Sharing Knowledge African culture and culinary practices enrich neighborhoods.
Unique Infused Vinegars
Infuse vinegars with local flavors.
The No-Land Homestead: Get Started on Sustainability
Self-sufficiency without acreage.
What Drives Us: Electric, Hybrid, or Gasoline?
How one homestead uses all three types of power.
Comparing Types of Canning Lids
Disposable or reusable: which topper is on top?
News from Mother
What’s Pestering You?
Dear Mother
Reader letters of inspiration, community, and more.
Green Gazette
Updates on Indigenous gardening, rabbit hemorrhagic disease, coastal marshes, “rewilding,” and more.
Firsthand Reports: Off-Grid Living in Western Oregon
A four-decade solar veteran offers tips on voltage and reducing usage.
Mother Tested: Smarter Gardening
Tips for safe and healthy growing.
Gone Off-Grid
Hoss Boyd and Kerena Reese answer questions about energy systems.
Country Lore
Reader tips for using old cream, repurposing chest freezers, longer apple storage, and more.
Ask Our Experts
Expert advice on laying hens, safely dehydrating mushrooms, and toxins in comfrey.
Photos from the Field
Reader-submitted photos.