What is ‘Modern Homesteading,' Anyway?

Reader Contribution by Victoria Gazeley
Published on January 16, 2013
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A few weeks ago a particularly ornery guy called me a ‘poser’ on my Facebook page. And then he went on and on an on in post after post about how I wasn’t really ‘homesteading’ and I should call my page something else.

Sure Mr. Grumpy Pants. OK.

Thankfully, a bunch of awesome people came out of the woodwork and told him a thing or two about what it is we do there. Which is simply share our experiences with various aspects of living in the country. Thanks, guys!

Thing is, I’ve never put myself out there as an expert at this gig. I’m pretty ‘green’ around the collar myself (though I have researched the topic for years), which is why I started a page and blog for other rural living fans with even less experience than me. We’ve been incredibly lucky to have a whole lot of VERY experienced folk join us as well, which is an absolute honor. They jump in and answer questions, share their insights with those of us who have yet to dispatch a chicken or attend the birth of a calf, and in general enrich our lives every single day. Oh, and they defend l’il ol’ me when the odd grumpy pants goes on the attack. Thankfully, that’s been a rare occurrence.

But back to the question – what exactly is ‘modern homesteading’ anyway?

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