Steps to Starting a Nursery

By Tony Avent
Published on September 25, 2014
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Starting a nursery requires a multitude of skills beyond horticultural ability, especially if you intend to grow beyond a backyard entity.
Starting a nursery requires a multitude of skills beyond horticultural ability, especially if you intend to grow beyond a backyard entity.
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“So You Want to Start a Nursery” by Tony Avent provides a primer on the nursery industry as a whole, from starting a business to keeping it running.
“So You Want to Start a Nursery” by Tony Avent provides a primer on the nursery industry as a whole, from starting a business to keeping it running.

Tony Avent wrote So You Want to Start a Nursery (Timber Press, 2003) as “a reality check for anyone wanting to start a nursery,” drawing on his own experience transitioning from a government job to a full-time nurseryman. Now the owner of Plant Delights Nursery, Avent shares his expertise on how to start a nursery with wit and clarity; the book is devoted to the business and planning concerns of the nursery owner. The following excerpt from Chapter 3 gives an overview of the essential skills an aspiring nurseryman or –woman will need to successfully start a business.

You can purchase this book from the MOTHER EARTH NEWS store: So You Want to Start a Nursery.

The Essential Skills

Some prospective nursery owners forget that a large part of the nursery business involves much more than just plants. Plants are our commodity, not our business. Nurseries are a lifestyle business, but like all businesses they are multidimensional. While you can start and run a nursery without the essential skills that I will discuss, your job will certainly be much easier, less stressful, and far more financially rewarding if you have all these skills. It is crucial that you assess your own strengths and weaknesses honestly.

Entrepreneurial and Visionary Skills

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