A Quick Guide to Raising Ducks

By Ed Robinson
Published on March 1, 1970
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The Muscovy is a good big duck, the mature drake weighing 10 pounds and the duck 7 pounds, and they are a very hardy, self-reliant breed. The Indian Runners weigh only 4 to 4-1/2 pounds at maturity. One important advantage of the Muscovy is that it is quackless and won't bother your neighbors. Muscovies are fliers, though, and if your fencing isn't pretty high, you may have to clip the outermost feathers from one wing.
The Muscovy is a good big duck, the mature drake weighing 10 pounds and the duck 7 pounds, and they are a very hardy, self-reliant breed. The Indian Runners weigh only 4 to 4-1/2 pounds at maturity. One important advantage of the Muscovy is that it is quackless and won't bother your neighbors. Muscovies are fliers, though, and if your fencing isn't pretty high, you may have to clip the outermost feathers from one wing.
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Muscovy ducks aren't noisy, have a better flavor, are very hardy and are free from disease. This trio of drake and two ducks produced 18 young ducks on their first hatchings. These ducklings are about six weeks old.
Muscovy ducks aren't noisy, have a better flavor, are very hardy and are free from disease. This trio of drake and two ducks produced 18 young ducks on their first hatchings. These ducklings are about six weeks old.
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Coop and wire run suitable for hatching and brooding of ducklings with a hen. The bars keep hen confined, but let ducklings get sunlight and fresh air safe from dogs, cats, rats, etc. Top lifts up to allow cleaning, feeding, watering.
Coop and wire run suitable for hatching and brooding of ducklings with a hen. The bars keep hen confined, but let ducklings get sunlight and fresh air safe from dogs, cats, rats, etc. Top lifts up to allow cleaning, feeding, watering.
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Cement bathing and drinking trough which can be easily kept clean. Only while ducks are sitting on eggs is water for bathing really necessary.
Cement bathing and drinking trough which can be easily kept clean. Only while ducks are sitting on eggs is water for bathing really necessary.
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Ducks are messy feeders and will waste less if pellets instead of mash are used. Here is cross section of pellet hopper used by commercial duck raisers. It can be made any size to hold from one to several hundred pounds of pellets, thus saving much labor.
Ducks are messy feeders and will waste less if pellets instead of mash are used. Here is cross section of pellet hopper used by commercial duck raisers. It can be made any size to hold from one to several hundred pounds of pellets, thus saving much labor. "Flaps" can be closed to cut down time pellets are available to the ducks, thus forcing them to forage.

People are always giving us something. We got our trio of Muscovy ducks one day when a lady who lives near our Country Bookstore in Noroton, Conn., moved. They were breeders and she didn’t want to have them killed. Knowing that we had a small farm, she thought we might like them.

There is a good deal to be said for making ducks your second poultry project, particularly if you have any kind of small stream or pond on your place, although neither is necessary. One of the unusual things about ducks is that they are well adapted to either a small place or to large-scale commercial production.

Don’t start a duck project unless your family is fond of duck. If you’re anywhere near as successful as we’ve been, you’ll have a lot of duck. The trio that was given to us has produced over 25 ducklings in the first six months. Incidentally, Muscovy ducks are better eating, we think, than the ordinary Pekin variety that you get in the market.

Anyway, ducks do furnish delicious variety for the table. Many people like duck eggs, too, especially for cooking. Ducks require relatively little care and are practically free of disease problems. They are efficient and economical meat producers, gaining weight rapidly even when allowed to forage for much of their food.

You have three choices as to how to plan your duck raising program. You can keep a small flock of breeders the year around. You can buy day-old ducklings and brood them like baby chicks, but with less heat and care. Or you can buy duck eggs and hatch them out under hens.

Keeping A Small Flock Of Breeder Ducks

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