My Birth Altar

Reader Contribution by Antonette Vasseur
Published on June 21, 2012
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As the day that I will bring my third child earthside draws near I find myself not only nesting externally, but also focusing on organizing my thoughts, hopes and fears and gathering positive energy in a space where I will labor.

A Birth Altar is a space that will become a power symbol of your birth. You can choose a small table, dresser, or windowsill. You can add candles, things collected from nature or objects that are meaningful to you. It’s a place to keep your collection of strength.

Our bedroom is my sanctuary. It is a place of peace and comfort to me.  My place I go to relax, read, unwind, or make love. I plan on having the birth pool in our room in hopes of having a water birth and being able to move straight to our bed so the family can snuggle in and welcome our newest member. I started putting together an altar in one of the corners of our room, adding new objects as they spoke to me. I didn’t want to add just anything. This altar isn’t a decor piece for our bedroom, it is a place I will go to when I need to call on strength and trust and remind myself to surrender to this entire process.

My birth altar holds the following important objects to me:

– Birth Art: My son and I spent an evening drawing images that we felt would make me feel good during labor. Hanging on the wall behind my altar is a drawing he made of me pregnant, and a drawing I created of a lotus opening up. I have felt a connection this pregnancy with the image of a lotus flower so I felt it was healing to sit and take the time to draw and connect to the idea of opening up like a lotus.

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