How to Prepare and Load a Livestock Trailer

Help to transport livestock as smoothly as possible by learning these tips for how to prepare, load and unload a livestock trailer.  

By Faith Schlabach
Updated on June 8, 2022
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by Adobestock/Media Castle

Help to transport livestock as smoothly as possible by learning these tips for how to prepare, load, and unload a livestock trailer.  

Trailer loading is one of those skills they just don’t teach in school!  At Misty Morning Farm, we run into some interesting situations. Especially when purchasing from a hobby farm where, as a rule, there are few facilities. I hope that by sharing some of these experiences and loading savvy, you can avoid potential problems and have a good experience loading your new cow. Going to pick up your cow should be a fun adventure. My husband and I always say, “Let’s go on a date and pick up our new cow!” If it’s nice, we take a picnic. We look up coffee shops along the way and try to have fun each time.

Tips for How to Prepare a Livestock Trailer

  • If you can, test for BVD (Bovine Viral Disease) and Johnes (pronounced “yonnees”) before purchasing your cow. You can test by drawing blood serum or milk. We send our samples to AntelBio and have the results back in 10 days or so.  Ideally, buy from someone who already tests.
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