Learn a New Homesteading Skill (or 52) this Year!

Reader Contribution by Carrie Williams Howe
Published on January 25, 2019
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What is on your list to learn this year?  Are you thinking about raising bees?  Wanting to make your own laundry detergent?  Planting new fruit trees?  When you are a homesteader there seem to be a million new things you could learn, but what if someone challenged you to learn a new skill every week this year?

That’s the challenge that Kimberlee Bastien and her family took on when they agreed to write52 Homestead Skills: a self-taught homesteader’s one-year journey to learning a skill a week in collaboration with Mother Earth News. 

Bastien’s book is the chosen read for the Winter edition of the Homesteaders’ Book Club sponsored by The Happy Hive Homestead and Homestead How-to.  We’ll be diving into Bastien’s adventures and trying some of them ourselves through an online learning community – our Facebook Group.  We’d love to have you join us in February 2019!

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