How to Raise Chickens as a Couple

By Bruce Ingram
Updated on December 3, 2023
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In 2010, as part of my wife Elaine’s recovery from breast cancer, I proposed we raise chickens. As a couple, we had never reared any kind of animal, but I had learned that eggs from backyard chooks provide more nutrition than those from caged, factory-farmed birds … definitely relevant regarding Elaine’s recovery. I also felt that my spouse would emotionally benefit from having critters to interact with. Elaine agreed.

We decided from the beginning we would share the responsibilities of raising our flock. Of greatest importance was dividing the duties so neither felt we were doing too much. After all, we had heard stories about couples bickering over livestock-related chores.

By playing to our individual strengths and tendencies when we raise chickens, we partner in this endeavor amicably. Here’s how we did so; perhaps others can gain insight from our experiences.

Basic care and chores when you raise chickens as a couple

I relish rising early in the morning and going to bed early, while Elaine prefers to sleep late and go to bed well after I do. So, it was an easy decision when we started to raise chickens to put me in charge of letting the birds out in the morning and for Elaine to secure them safely come evening.

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