How To Stop a Rooster from Attacking You

Long term solutions for handling difficult roosters.

Reader Contribution by Robert Plamondon
Updated on August 9, 2022
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by Adobe Stock/kanpisut

Do you know what to do when a rooster attacks you? Take these three steps to learn how to stop a rooster from attacking you when he acts aggressively.

People often ask me how to stop a rooster from attacking you. When they describe their difficult rooster they tell me, “I went out to the chicken yard to collect eggs, and the rooster attacked me. Of course, I had to show him who’s boss, so we had a fight and I won!”

And I assure them, “Sure, I can show you how to fix this, and it’s worth it. Imagine how much more pleasant your life will be when you never have to worry about a rooster again. But first, I want more detail. So you’re out in the chicken yard, and there he is. He acts in a threatening manner. You act in a threatening manner back. He acts even more threatening, and before you know it, the two of you are fighting, right?”


Then I ask, “But did I just describe what happened from the rooster’s point of view, or from yours?”

Learn What To Do When a Rooster Attacks You

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