Growing Your Customer Flock: Online Marketing for Farmers

Reader Contribution by Norma Vela and Dovetail Family Farm
Published on May 7, 2019
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Credit: Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash 

Once upon a time, not that long ago, a farmer had to be part horticulturalist, part veterinarian, part mechanic, and part accountant. That was a lot, but it was enough to get you by. These days, as my dad would phrase it, “Not no more!” You must add web-tech nerd, social media wiz, and savvy marketing specialist to the list. 

I just spent about an hour trying to figure out how to purchase and install an SSL certificate for our farm’s website. I had to take a sanity break before I was able to accomplish that. The process was so confusing for [insert boring specifics that no one, including myself, wants to read as to why it wasn’t achievable with the few clicks promised by my hosting service] — suddenly, the idea of writing an over-due blog post was infinitely more appealing. Yes, it was that confusing.

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