Growing African Violets From Cuttings or Starts

By The Mother Earth News Editors
Published on January 1, 1978
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by Adobestock/Jessica Wiehl

Growing African violets from cuttings or starts is easy using these helpful growing tips.

Starter African Violet Plants

Did you know that a plant can be patented? Well it can, and the very best African violets sold by firms such as George J. Ball, Inc., are all patented. This means that before one of these companies will sell you any of its patented starts, you will be required to sign an agreement which states that you will not propagate any new plants from the starters it sends you.

It’s all right — in other words — for you to buy these patented starts, raise them up, and then sell them . . . but it’s definitely not all right for you to buy the patented starts, raise them, start more plants from leaf cuttings taken from the original starts, and then sell the propagated plants.

If this restriction cramps your style too much, you’ll be better off dealing with commercial suppliers of unpatented African violets. There are several — including Fisher Greenhouses and Tinarl Greenhouses and you should have no trouble finding a source of unpatented starts that you enjoy dealing with.

And if you’re launching your new business on real shoestring, there’s a lot to be said for growing your original “mother” plants from leaf cuttings taken from a friend’s favorite unpatented African violet . . . cultivating the parent stock . . . and then propagating a regular supply of starts from their leaves. You’ll spend a little more time getting your enterprise rolling this way . . . but a lot less money. And, once you are underway, you’ll always make more profit on any plant you sell that you propagated yourself (for free) instead of bought from a supplier.

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