Goats: Just Kidding! Part 3

Reader Contribution by Janice Spaulding
Published on February 26, 2012
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In my last two kidding blogs, I talked about what to look for when labor is beginning and what to have on hand prior to kidding time. Now let’s talk about positions that the baby can assume when it descends the birth canal.

I think I can safely say that after 23 years of raising goats I’ve seen it all when it comes to birthing. We’ve raised several different breeds of meat, fiber, dairy, even a cute little herd of Pygmy goats. Every configuration, singles, twins, triplets, and quadruplets, every size, teeny tiny to one buckling we named “Block Head” and I will assure you that there are no babies out in our barn still stuck inside their moms.

Probably the most important part of kidding is to STAY CALM! If you are nervous and upset you will unknowingly transfer those feelings to your doe! Animals are very observant of our mannerisms and heightened state of stress and frustration, so please, if you learn nothing else from this blog, learn this: STAY CALM!

So, let’s start with the normal kidding position. Two little hoofies on either of a little nose is the very basic, very best position, without a doubt. It is the most normal presentation, and the easiest for a good, safe, delivery for all concerned. If every single kid was born in this position, though, there wouldn’t be much to write about! There are many, many times, that these stubborn little animals have a mind of their own about which way they want to come slipping and sliding into the world.

This is a good place to mention that some babies are born with their little tongues hanging out! The first time you see a little head presenting itself with a tongue protruding, it can be very unsettling. The tongue is usually very dark red or even bluish purple. Don’t worry the kid isn’t dead, once it’s born it will pull its tongue back in, or in some cases, when the tongue is really dried out, you might have to touch the tip of it to help a little.

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