Does horse manure keep the deer away from your garden? Read the following testimonials and post a comment (below) on your own experiences.
Horses, Donkeys and, wait, No Deer — Oh My!
I read the report about horse manure being a natural deer repellent (Dear Mother: June/July 2008). Since reading that, I realized that donkey poop works too! We supplement our soil with donkey manure, and I realized that we haven’t had a deer problem since we began doing so. We enjoy Mother and read it cover to cover several times over, especially the gardening tips.
Mike Shackelford
Fairmont, West Virginia
Daring Deer
A few years ago, I got some horse manure from my dad to amend the soil. I had the most beautiful stand of heirloom brandywine tomatoes — until deer ate them to the ground. In my experience, nothing short of a Jurassic Park-style fence will deter deer. They eat anything and are afraid of nothing. Dogs, garlic, screaming, yelling, hot pepper, an electric fence, etc., do not work.