Find Hygge on the Homestead

Reader Contribution by Mary Ellen Ward and The Homemade Homestead
Published on November 16, 2020
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Do you hygge on your homestead? See how embracing just a few aspects of this simple way of life can bring more contentment to your days.

Homesteading is a way of life and, as such, it elicits its own set of pressures, stresses, and well, work! It’s easy to forget that it’s a labor of love and that you’ve chosen this lifestyle for a reason — and some very rewarding reasons at that. Those reasons, those choices, that led to what is often a sense of overwhelming un-accomplishment are exactly what can bring you back to a less-stressed, more contented homestead existence. All you need is a little hygge on your homestead.

Hygge: It’s a noun. It’s a verb. It’s an adjective! It’s a…

…it’s a thing that is felt; a way of life; a way to describe that feeling or way of life; an active way of living. (Not really unlike another “H” word we know and love, eh, Homesteaders?)

Hygge is considered a concept that hails from the happiest places in the world, namely Denmark and the Scandinavian countries. (Forbes, 2020)

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