Easy Sugar Scrub Recipe for Winter Coziness

Craft a holiday season that's calm, fun, and comforting.

Reader Contribution by Mary Murray
Updated on November 28, 2023
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by Adobe Stock/candy1812

Cultivate cozy winter feelings with an easy sugar scrub recipe using peppermint essential oil, and explore some outdoor and indoor winter activities for families and individuals.

There’s a cold wind whistling around the old farmhouse today, crows are feeding in the field to the east, and birds are flocking around the feeder. Mornings here on the farm start early with the alarm going off at 5:30am; however, stepping outside there’s no feeling of drowsiness. With heads bowed down against the icy blast of December air, we feel very much alive. Errands are done quickly: Chickens have a breakfast of warm mash, goats get extra hay and apple slices, barn cats and our faithful guard dog get goodies as well. Christmas cheer for all!

The holiday season is here, and this year, I’ve felt more determined than ever to enjoy the simple pleasures of getting ready for the days to come. The year has been like no other. Each day we eagerly anticipate the coming holidays, while at the same time, closely watching the news. As a mom, I’m filled with complicated emotions, but I also realize there is much to be grateful for and a need to count our blessings.

Slowing Life and Cultivating Coziness on the Winter Farm

Most of us find that December can be a month of intense activity; however, even with all that busyness, we seem to have a need slow down and enjoy the days. Each of us have our own special way of doing that. For me, it means decorating simply, in old-fashioned ways with swags of evergreens and berries, enjoying homemade marshmallows floating in mugs of chocolaty cocoa, sitting by a crackling fire, filling the kitchen with home-baked cookies, and hiding secret surprises.

And just when we needed a little something extra to get us into the holiday spirit, this week we woke up to a beautiful snowfall. The kind of snow that falls gently all day long, blanketing everything in sight (and gave the kids their first snow day from school). Soon, windows were frosted over and pine needles were tipped with an icy glaze, making them look like prisms on a sparkling chandelier — it was the perfect magic for the December.

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