Plant Castor Beans to Keep Groundhogs Away, Straighten Garden Hose Kinks with PVC Pipe, Remove a Splinter with an Egg, and More Country Lore

By The Mother Earth News Editors
Published on September 1, 1990
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Castor bean plants should keep groundhogs away.

Through the years we’ve all discovered a few practical, time-tested solutions to some of the frustrating little problems of everyday life. Here are some of our readers’ favorites.

Give Your Garden as a Gift

Last summer, I got requests from friends for seed from our flowers. So I took pictures of my many flowers during the height of their blooming season. Then, in the fall, when it was time to harvest the seed, I decided to create surprises for my friends, neighbors and relatives. I folded in half a piece of construction paper the size of a standard envelope. On the front, I glued a photo of a flower from my garden and wrote the name of the plant. Inside, I included planting and care instructions. To finish off the surprise, I wrapped enough seed in tissue paper for the receiver to start a good-sized flower bed.

— Jeanne Knape, Davenport, Iowa

Use Straws to Prop Up Heavy Blooms

Ever find your champion peonies, roses, irises or other large-flowered plants bent over from the weight of the bloom? To rejuvenate my bowed blossoms, I wrap a section of plastic drinking straw, split down one side, around the stem at the bend and then use a piece of transparent tape to seal the straw firmly. Since plastic straws come in many colors, you can often make an inconspicuous or color-coordinated stem crutch.

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