Sourcing Sustainable Bamboo Flooring

Reader Contribution by Jennifer Kongs
Published on July 20, 2015
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The Small Home, Big Decisions series follows Jennifer and her husband, Tyler, as they build a self-reliant homestead on a piece of country property in northeastern Kansas. The series will delve into questions that arise during their building process and the decisions they make along the way. The posts are a work in progress, written as their home-building adventure unfolds.

Bamboo flooring has developed quite a name for itself as a green flooring option. Even though MOTHER EARTH NEWS has covered why to choose bamboo, our initial research left us worrying that bamboo had been thoroughly greenwashed. We read of bamboo monoculture forests being planted after a native forest was clear cut, we knew the transportation from overseas would add many pounds of CO2 to the product’s environmental impact, we worried the resins and glues that hold the strands of bamboo together were highly toxic in many products, and we’d heard that bamboo is soft and easily damaged. Turns out, we were wrong. At least sometimes.

As with most other topics in this blog series, the answer to whether bamboo is a sustainable flooring choice does not have a simple yes or no response. The answer depends on which company you buy your bamboo flooring from, which determines the conditions of the forest from which the bamboo was cut, the types of resins and finishes used, and the durability of the product. In the August/September issue of MOTHER EARTH NEWS, in the Ask Our Experts department, a reader asked about how to find sustainable bamboo flooring. (Needless to say, I was intrigued as well.) The main kernel of information that we took from the response by Chris Magwood, author of Making Better Buildings, was:

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