A Prenatal Appointment With a Home Birth Midwife

Reader Contribution by Antonette Vasseur
Published on June 7, 2012
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I am often asked what makes prenatal care with a midwife so different than that of an OB. The Midwifery Model of Care is something that is women centered. It not only focuses on the well being of the baby, but the mother as well, in a very holistic model of mind,body and soul. Midwives treat a pregnancy and birth as a normal life process, not an illness that needs to treated.

A typical appointment with a home birth midwife is pretty routine. Your midwife might come to your home, or you will go to her office. Your appointments can be very personal and private, or can be a family event if you wish! I think being able to have your family there is an important part of the process. It allows every member to feel involved and to be able to ask questions or vocie concerns they may have about a homebirth.
During a prenatal check up with your midwife you can expect to have all, if not some of the following checked:
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