7 Ways to Reuse your Homestead Firewood Ash (with Video)

Reader Contribution by Kerry W. Mann, Jr. and Homesteadhow
Published on January 29, 2020
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A cord of hardwood produces roughly 5 to 10 gallons of wood ash. Here are a few ways that you could recycle your ash. You can read the ideas below or we also posted a YouTube video (scroll to bottom of this page) that shows some of these examples in action.

Woodstove cleaner. Mix some ash with some water and create a paste. It becomes an abrasive cleaner to clean your window. It works surprisingly well

Cleaning oil spills. Ash can absorb oil spills just like kitty litter can. My husband does all of our car work in our garage, and we sometimes get oil spills on the ground, we have been using some cheap cat litter, but why not use what we have on hand and what is for free? By sprinkling wood ash onto an oil spill, it will absorb the oil and allow for an easy cleanup with an outdoor broom and dustpan.

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