Weave a Basket out of Vines

By Doris Messick
Published on August 1, 1993
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Even first-timers can create intricate baskets with the random-weave technique.
Even first-timers can create intricate baskets with the random-weave technique.
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Diagram 1
Diagram 1
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Diagram 2
Diagram 2
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Diagram 3
Diagram 3
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Diagram 4
Diagram 4
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Diagram 5
Diagram 5

Click on the Image Gallery for Step-by-Step diagrams.
The woods have been one of my favorite places for as long
as I can remember, and still I find the wonders of nature
fascinating and never ending. While others collect jewelry
artifacts and fancy glassware, I am always thrilled to
bring home a discarded bird’s or hornet’s nest or beautiful
vines with unusual twists and turns.

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